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Dallas Safari Club - 2022 Convention

Auction Details

Dallas Safari Club (DSC) is dedicated to worldwide conservation of wildlife and wild places, promotion of hunting and fishing, and promotion of outdoor education. The Dallas Safari Club Convention is an opportunity for sportsmen and sportswomen to come together, renew old friendships and form new ones. DSC works very hard to attract outstanding hunting and fishing packages from reputable outfitters, who have graciously donated to the organization’s efforts and mission. DSC encourages you to place your bids with confidence and in the spirit of providing the funds necessary to further the organization’s objectives while obtaining goods and services for your enjoyment.
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THWANE SAFARIS: 14-Day White Rhino Hunt and Conservation Experience for One Hunter and Three Observe21 - THWANE SAFARIS: 14-Day White Rhino Hunt and Conservation Experience for One Hunter and Three Observe
Dallas Safari Club
14-day white rhino hunt and conservation experience for one hunter and three observers in South Africa and Namibia - includes trophy fee. The first le
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 74,700.00 and UP
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MIKE ODIN: 5-Day/5-Night Sitka Black-Tailed Deer and Trophy Sea Duck Combo Hunt for One Hunter on Ko21 - MIKE ODIN: 5-Day/5-Night Sitka Black-Tailed Deer and Trophy Sea Duck Combo Hunt for One Hunter on Ko
Dallas Safari Club
Mike Odin's Alaska Adventures, LLC is pleased to donate a 5-day/5-night guided Sitka black-tailed deer and trophy sea duck combo hunt for one hu...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 6,500.00 and UP
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HUNT TRIP SPAIN: 4-Day Roe Deer Hunt for Two Hunters and Two Non-Hunters in Spain - Includes Trophy21 - HUNT TRIP SPAIN: 4-Day Roe Deer Hunt for Two Hunters and Two Non-Hunters in Spain - Includes Trophy
Dallas Safari Club
4-day 1x1 roe deer rifle hunt for two hunters and two non-hunters in northeast Spain - includes trophy fees for 1x best available roe deer for each hu
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 15,520.00 and UP
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ZANCUDO LODGE: 4-Day Fishing Adventure for Two Anglers in Costa Rica21 - ZANCUDO LODGE: 4-Day Fishing Adventure for Two Anglers in Costa Rica
Dallas Safari Club
4-day fishing adventure for two anglers in Costa Rica for marlin, sailfish, tuna, Dorado and many other species. Situated in an unexploited remote jun
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 11,200.00 and UP
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HOLLOWAY FURS: Luxurious 10-Skin Long-Hair Beaver Blanket with Velvet Backing Handmade by Jim Hollow21 - HOLLOWAY FURS: Luxurious 10-Skin Long-Hair Beaver Blanket with Velvet Backing Handmade by Jim Hollow
Dallas Safari Club
Luxurious 10-skin, long-hair beaver blanket with velvet backing handmade by Jim Holloway, measures 70"x90". For over 16 years, Holloway Fu...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 7,500.00 and UP
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ALASKAN FISHING ADV: 4-Day/5-Night Fishing Adventure for Four Anglers in Alaska22 - ALASKAN FISHING ADV: 4-Day/5-Night Fishing Adventure for Four Anglers in Alaska
Dallas Safari Club
4-day/5-night fishing adventure for four anglers on the famous Kenai Peninsula of Alaska with Alaskan Fishing Adventures. Enjoy saltwater excursions o
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 13,380.00 and UP
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ESTANCIA EL CARRIZAL: 5-Day Red Stag and Blackbuck Hunt for Two Hunters in Argentina - Includes Trop22 - ESTANCIA EL CARRIZAL: 5-Day Red Stag and Blackbuck Hunt for Two Hunters in Argentina - Includes Trop
Dallas Safari Club
5-day 1x1 free-range stag and blackbuck hunt for two hunters in La Pampa, Argentina - includes trophy fees for 1x stag and 1x blackbuck, best availabl
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 11,000.00 and UP
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TAM SAFARIS: 7-Day DARTED White Rhino Hunt for One Hunter and One Non-Hunter in Eastern Cape, South22 - TAM SAFARIS: 7-Day DARTED White Rhino Hunt for One Hunter and One Non-Hunter in Eastern Cape, South
Dallas Safari Club
The lucky winner and one non-hunting companion will have the rare opportunity to vita-dart one white rhino on this 7-day 1x1 guided South African adve
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 11,000.00 and UP
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NACHO ARIAS: 5-Day Beceite Ibex Hunt for One Hunter in Spain - Includes Trophy Fee22 - NACHO ARIAS: 5-Day Beceite Ibex Hunt for One Hunter in Spain - Includes Trophy Fee
Dallas Safari Club
Nacho Arias is pleased to donate a 5-day (3 hunt days/2 travel days) 1x1 Beceite ibex rifle hunt for one hunter in Spain - includes trophy fee for ibe
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 11,850.00 and UP
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GIUSEPPE CARRIZOSA: 4-Day Iberian Red Stag Hunt for Two Hunters in Spain - Includes Trophy Fees22 - GIUSEPPE CARRIZOSA: 4-Day Iberian Red Stag Hunt for Two Hunters in Spain - Includes Trophy Fees
Dallas Safari Club
Giuseppe Carrizosa - SPAIN is pleased to donate a 4-day 2x1 Iberian red stag rifle hunt for two hunters in Spain - includes trophy fees for 1x best av
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 17,200.00 and UP
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